Squareness of Hit

Excess wrist hinge can negatively impact the squareness of the hit reducing shot accuracy and distance.

Did you know the easiest way to increase distance and improve accuracy is by squareness of hit. Squareness of hit means the club is traveling and facing in the same direction and in addition that the hit is toward the center of the face.

I have found in working with many students that the number one way to increase squareness of face is reduce excess wrist hinge during the swing. Reducing excess wrist hinge will give you a much firmer feel with the hands and wrists during the takeaway and at the top. You may feel like you are making too short of a swing. Video yourself. You will see that the momentum of the swing carries you as far as your flexibility will allow. No need for the extra little hinge that does nothing but cause trouble.

PGA Instructor Mike Cahill and PGA Master Instructor Dave Cahill are here to help you play better and enjoy the game more. Please come see us in Palm Springs CA or Stillwater MN for golf lessons or visit us for a Palm Springs, CA or Las Vegas, NV Golf School.

PGA Instructor Mike Cahill 612-501-9015 mikecahill@cahillgolf.com
PGA Master Instructor Dave Cahill 952-994-0387 davecahill@cahillgolf.com