Easy Rotation Drill for Consistent Golf Shots

Hit consistent solid golf shots using this easy golf rotation drill which emphasizes rotation of the hips and shoulders. Follow these easy to perform steps.

  1. Gripping a club stand upright and extend your arms straight out level with your shoulders.
  2. Rotate your hips and shoulders horizontally back and forth level with the ground. Your arms and the club will follow your hips and shoulders to move back and forth level with the ground. Notice how the club head returns to the same position during each rotation. When this same type of motion is performed during a golf swing the club will consistently return to the ball.
  3. Grip your club and get into your address position. Notice the angle of your back from your shoulders to your hips. This is your spine angle. Use the same type of rotational motion described in step one to move the club in a back swing. Rotate your shoulders and hips enough to get the club head slightly above hip height. Maintain your original spine angle. For this drill do not cock your wrists.
  4. Use the same type of rotational motion to move the club forward and strike the ball. Maintain your spine angle. Your wrists are passive.
  5. Continue the rotational motion past the golf ball until your arms and the club are horizontal with the ground. Your arms will be straight. Maintain your spine angle. Your wrists remain passive.

You can learn this drill and many others by attending a golf lesson or Palm Springs Golf School, Las Vegas Golf School, or Minnesota Golf School. PGA Master Instructor Dave Cahill and PGA Teaching Professional Michael Cahill are always available to help you play your best golf.