What is Cupping in golf swing?

This video titled “What is cupping in golf swing?”  includes helpful advice how to play golf without cupping from PGA Master Golf Professional Dave Cahill from Cahill Golf Schools in Palm Springs and Golf Schools in Las Vegas.

cupping in golf?

What is cupping in golf?

What is cupping in golf swing?[/caption]
Dave Cahill here in sunny Palm Springs California at our Cahill Golf Schools. Today we are going to talk about cupping in the golf swing. What is cupping in the golf swing and what influence does it have on our golf shots? Cupping has to do without left wrist position at the top of our golf swing if we are right handed. Our wrist can bend just a little bit up while keeping it flat. However it can bend significantly more downward and keep the back pf the wrist flat. If you look from the face on position, when i i=over bend the wrist it gets into the cupped position. So what is the big problem with that? If we keep our left wrist flat then the club shaft will stay on plane and the club face will be square to the plane. If i cup my left wrist the club shaft will cross the plane line. It will also tend to open the face. If i really cup alot it can also cause my right elbow to come up and now the shaft really crosses the plane line. this creates a larger problem forcing me tow swing the club around back on plane which is difficult to do consistently. Look at yourself in the mirror. Look at that left wrist..keeping it flat. Your left wrist should be in this nice flat position at the top of the golf swing. the shaft will be on plane and the face angle will be square to the plane line.

Dave Cahill of Cahill Golf Schools in Palm Springs and Las Vegas Golf Shools can help you stop cupping for golf or any other faults you golf swing may have.